Saint Information

This text is godly

I believe: Saint = God and God's hat himself. Who have saint = Jesus Christ. He owns his saint-hat and loves his father God in his heart. Saint-thought = Where you knowledge your sainthear, saintveiw, saintclair, saintmove, saint-teleport, saint-feeling and saint-thug. All saint words can be replaced with heal amen. To The Lord: Your saint-thought have a nest and you believe and think with healthought's animals. Your saintmove is your saintheal. True. And so is Jesus Christ's saint-thought his healthought in The Lord Sebaot amen.


Saint -knight is the Saint's holy weapon.

Feeleste is a word from the bible. Metaforicly it means artworkartist. With saintmove God with his only son was a feelete and painted creations in silver and gold frames. With healmove one of The Lord Sebaot's holy powers was feeleste amen.


Healteleport makes Lord God and his son Jesus Christ live for ever in eternal and infinity. He his teleporting through different skies amen.






This is how I used MySQL: I have in phpmyadmin MyGuests to MySQL. Then I have MyGuests MySQL codes around the all other codes on my website. If the MySQL codes wasn't correct then this website would not even show up. I add this codes in the php codes with script and [type text javascript]. The codes are from the top of the webpage codes to the bottom codes. If you can ever know this then it will work for you too! My trick is to use echo ” ” ; yeah ok, you might need a MySQLbook or another webpage to follow to do this.

Here is the top code:

<?php $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
if ($conn->connect_error) {
die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error) ;

$sql = " INSERT INTO MyGuests (firstname, lastname, email)
VALUES ('domainname', 'domain', 'email')";
if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {

->Here I use xml, xhtml and php inside the MySQL.<-

Here is the bottom code:

Error: " . $sql . " <br />" . $conn->error;

Very top of my codes

$servername = "localhost";
$username = "urusername";
$password = "urpassword";
$dbname = "urdatabasename";

You can try to use this code if you want but is first of all a proof that I use MySQL!


The Einstar info is also in MySQL.


About me Sacret Trumpet

My name is Alvin  . I live in north Europe, Sweden. I am a christian protestant. I have hiphop clothes on me and short hair. I have made hiphop music since I was 18 years old. I love to do dope positiv beats and well written lyrics in to my hiphop music. I have done all my hiphop music myself. If you are from a record company, I am interested of record contract.
I am an artist. I paint artwork. I have been painting works of art all my life. When I was a kid in old school I liked picture the lessons. I paint my works of art at home. The paintings are for sale. We can discuss the prices. If you need to come in contact with me, you can leave a message in my guestbook. I like to paint religious images. Holy images. I love my artwork.

Herren Alvin pictures:

The homepage is coded in XHTML, XML, XSLT, PHP, MySQL and CSS!

If you want to get in touch with me and don't want others to see what you write then contact me here.

Heal Crew


Alvin Godess


Countdown to christmas!
Wednesday, Dec 25, 2024.

Now it is


left to christmas. ✟

This script was made in javascript!

Click here to see the fan page!


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Sky photos!

Sky Sky Sky


Is as easy as this: We believe in God.


Hello my name is Alvin and I belive in God.

We shall all be christians and believe Jesus Christ and his Father God.

My body, my soul!

We living our lives here in one true life with eachother and we shall trust the Lord Sebaot and doing what is righteousness.

Names of God's only son: Messiah, Jesus Christ, the son of man, Jesus, Christ, holy spirit, The prosecutor.

Names of the the Father: God, The Lord, Godess, Jehova, Father God.

Thier one name together: The Lord Sebaot, The Almighty, the executioner, the Holy One.

Amen The Lord Sebaot!


All you live for shall be the Lord Sebaot and to live blessed in the most lovley harmony with God you need to pray for armageddon.

Is an armageddon that shall come for all of us christians so we can enjoy our most religious belith to the Lord.

Is like the Heaven fall all over us living in a powerfull belith of Jesus Christ is the messiah.

Amen the Lord!


We live a life with our one true God and his only son, the son of man, that is holy, the Father is in the Son and over his head.

The holy bible let you read divine papers with sacred text,

about how the Bible begins with how Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit and took upon themselves guilt and shame.

In the second testament, after the crucifixion Christ lived with his Father in heaven forever and ever.

God spoke sternly to Babylon and angels and death met. All that happened here through the bible is holy.

To live in righteous and prayers to God with eachother makes us heal as christians which is holy.

Drink your sweetest blessing wine from holy Grail and share bread is also holy.

Remember all lovley words to God Messsiah.

Amen The Lord Sebaot!

Hover over image to drink from holy grail


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Good luck!:

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Amen the Lord Sebaot.


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